Sunday, June 7, 2015

Oracle VM CLI common commands

Oracle VM CLI is a command line interface to manager the Oracle VM environment. You can use the CLI to perform the same functions as in the GUI Oracle VM Manager.

ovm cli commands are run against object types in Oracle VM. The standard syntax contains the following

OVM> verb objecttype name=instance_name_of_object

eg:  OVM> start vm name=vmserver1

To see the verbs use the help command, to see the object types use the showobjtype command. To see the instance names of each object type, use the list command.

Below are common commands for reference.

Connecting to the CLI

$ ssh -l admin your_vm_manager_ip -p 10000

Command - help


OVM> ? or OVM> help

Command - showobjtypes

show the valid object types that CLI commands can be run on.

OVM> showobjtypes

Command - list

list instances of object types.

OVM> list (object_type) OVM> list server OVM> list vm

Command - show

Show information about a object type instance.

OVM> show vm name=guest1

Command - stop / start / restart

Control instances of object types.

OVM> start vm name=guest1 OVM> stop vm name=guest1 OVM> restart vm name=guest1

Command - create virtualdisk

Create a virtual disk. Where size is in GB.

OVM> create virtualdisk size=10 shareable=no|yes sparse=no|yes name=virtual_disk_name description="oms12c os" on repository name=rep_name

keywords: ovm cli
rdbms version: Oracle VM 3.2

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