Saturday, March 5, 2011

Oracle Secure Backup and Virtual Tape Drive

Setting up Oracle Secure Backup with a Open Source Virtual Tape Drive.

I wanted to test RMAN 11g features while backing up to tape. But i don't want to have to buy a physical tape drive. Thankfully Mark Harvey has created an Open Source Virtual Tape Drive.

mhvtl once installed creates 2 Virtual Tape Libraries and 8 Virtual Tape Drives.
Each Virtual Tape Library contains serveral barcoded tapes which can be used in the Tape Drives for backup and recovery.

Here is what i did to install and configure OSB with mhvtl on OEL5.

Install Oracle Secure Backup:

Follow instructions from Oracle documentation

After the installation is complete we can start using the OSB webtool or ob command line. I started by using the webtool, but later i found the ob commands better.

Configure the Oracle user for OSB:

Browse to https://hostname/login.php and login and as admin.

Goto Configure > users > Add

Now edit the user to set up Pre-authorized Access.
Click on the new Oracle user and goto Edit then Preauthorized Access.

Now Check that your host has the mediaserver role.

Goto Configure > Hosts

Install Virtual Tape Drive (mhvtl):

Download the mhvtl files from to /tmp

mhvtl-0.18-13.i586.rpm (32 bit)

Install the rpm's

[root@adminserver:/tmp]$ rpm -ivh mhvtl-0.18-13.i586.rpm

[root@adminserver:/tmp]$ rpm -ivh mhvtl-0.18-13.src.rpm

Copy the tgz file to /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/ and extract to /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/

[root@adminserver:/tmp]$ mv mhvtl-2011-01-11.tgz /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/

[root@adminserver:/tmp]$ cd /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/

[root@adminserver:/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/]$ tar xvfz ../SOURCES/mhvtl-2011-01-11.tgz

Now build/make the kernel, and start the package.

[root@adminserver:/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/]$ cd mhvtl-0.18/kernel

[root@kundun:/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/mhvtl-0.18/kernel]$ make

[root@kundun:/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/mhvtl-0.18/kernel]$ make install

[root@kundun:/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/mhvtl-0.18/kernel]$ /etc/init.d/mhvtl start

Check that its running...

[root@kundun:/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/mhvtl-0.18/kernel]$ps -ef | grep vtl
vtl 3674 1 0 10:24 ? 00:00:00 vtltape -q 11 -v
vtl 3679 1 0 10:24 ? 00:00:00 vtltape -q 12 -v
vtl 3684 1 0 10:24 ? 00:00:00 vtltape -q 13 -v
vtl 3692 1 0 10:24 ? 00:00:00 vtltape -q 14 -v
vtl 3697 1 0 10:24 ? 00:00:00 vtltape -q 31 -v
vtl 3719 1 0 10:24 ? 00:00:00 vtltape -q 32 -v
vtl 3727 1 0 10:24 ? 00:00:00 vtltape -q 33 -v
vtl 3765 1 0 10:24 ? 00:00:00 vtltape -q 34 -v
vtl 3979 1 0 10:24 ? 00:00:00 vtllibrary -q 10 -v
vtl 4048 1 0 10:24 ? 00:00:00 vtllibrary -q 30 -v
root 24057 5948 0 14:25 pts/2 00:00:00 grep vtl

Install the lsscsi package.

The lsscsi command lists information about SCSI devices in Linux.
This package can be downloaded from

Below we can see the scsi device that are present on the linux server.

[root@adminserver:~]$lsscsi -g
[0:0:0:0] disk ATA WDC WD1600BEVS-6 04.0 - /dev/sg0
[3:0:0:0] disk SAMSUNG HM321HI - /dev/sg1
[4:0:0:0] mediumx STK L700 550V - /dev/sg10
[4:0:1:0] tape IBM ULT3580-TD5 550V /dev/st0 /dev/sg2
[4:0:2:0] tape IBM ULT3580-TD5 550V /dev/st1 /dev/sg3
[4:0:3:0] tape IBM ULT3580-TD4 550V /dev/st2 /dev/sg4
[4:0:4:0] tape IBM ULT3580-TD4 550V /dev/st3 /dev/sg5
[4:0:8:0] mediumx SPECTRA PYTHON 550V - /dev/sg11
[4:0:9:0] tape IBM ULT3580-TD4 550V /dev/st4 /dev/sg6
[4:0:10:0] tape IBM ULT3580-TD4 550V /dev/st5 /dev/sg7
[4:0:11:0] tape IBM ULT3580-TD4 550V /dev/st6 /dev/sg8
[4:0:12:0] tape IBM ULT3580-TD4 550V /dev/st7 /dev/sg9

For more information about the virtual library and tape drives we can look at the /etc/mhvtl/device.conf file.

Below is a example of the device.conf file showing the details of a library and tape drive.

Library: 10 CHANNEL: 00 TARGET: 00 LUN: 00
Vendor identification: STK
Product identification: L700
Product revision level: 550V
Unit serial number: XYZZY_A
NAA: 10:22:33:44:ab:00:00:00

Drive: 11 CHANNEL: 00 TARGET: 01 LUN: 00
Library ID: 10 Slot: 01
Vendor identification: IBM
Product identification: ULT3580-TD5
Product revision level: 550V
Unit serial number: XYZZY_A1
NAA: 10:22:33:44:ab:00:01:00
Compression: factor 1 enabled 1

Configure the virtual libraries and tape drives with OSB:

Switching back to OSB, we navigate to Configure > Devices. Now click 'add' and we can add the device below. The details for the device i got from the /etc/mhvtl/device.conf file.

After adding the library, we need to attach the library to a raw device. If we click on the 'attachment' button we can specify the raw device. The details for the raw device were found using the lsscsi package (lsscsi -g).

To add a tape drive, navigate to configure > Device > add.

Don't forget to define the attachment for the tape drive.

rdbms version:


Anonymous said... unexpired backup pieces are overwriten (volume relabeled) after tape is unloaded + loaded for writing

temmah said...


Check the Oracle forums, I saw something on this in the forums when i was doing the install.